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Gary's Story

Gary’s Story

I am 52 years old and have always been pretty healthy and have no underlying conditions. I woke up on the morning of 28th October with a cracking headache which i just could not get rid of and by around 5pm i felt very hot also and my temperature was 39.2. I thought there was a good chance i had covid with those 2 symptoms straight away.

I went to bed and as the night went on i started to shiver feeling really cold although my temperature was still around 39.2. The next morning the headache was still extreme and i was having temperature swings going from feeling red hot to freezing. I also started to get bad lower back ache and was feeling really fatigued. I took a covid test in the early evening.

The 3rd and 4th day the symptoms were the same and i was sleeping a lot. On the morning of the 5th day my covid test came back positive and it was around that time that i started to develop the cough and i lost my smell and taste.

The headache, cough and loss of smell and taste carried on through out all of November but the other symptoms had now gone. After 4 weeks i returned to work for only 3 days because i was getting extreme dizziness ( vertigo ) caused from the covid. After a further 3 weeks the vertigo is now nearly gone and my cough is cleared up and loss of smell and taste are starting to return.