I am a 39 year old mum of two young children that works Full time in a school. I was initially surprised back in April when my symptoms of a sore chest and temperature spikes landed me in A&E when paramedics came to assess me as my heart was not comping too well with my Covid infection. I am very active and was usually at the gym 2/3 times a week. Healthcare professional thought it was my immune system that had over reacted in its response, complicating the illness. What followed was a really tough 5 months of pain, anxiety, regular doctor checks and building up energy. The doctor started me on nerve blockers to take the edge of the pain and allow my body to heal and my brain to rest which made a huge difference. I was finally getting some level of normality back, running at the weekend, back at work at school full time and thinking positive!
Last weekend, after me and my partner had showed symptoms again, we tested positive.
I did not know what to expect…. would my body do the same again or would it not even affect me?
The symptoms have mostly been the same – Chest pains, burning sensation on my limbs and shoulders, trouble swallowing and vertigo/dizziness. It all feels so familiar this time and I am counting down the days with fingers crossed that my body can recover from this second dose with rest, time and gentle exercise.