I am approaching week 19 and I’m almost out of words to be honest.
Experiencing the long-term effects of covid-19 is extremely challenging not only physically but also mentally. On Day 10 I woke up in the middle of the night and could hardly breathe. I seriously thought I was going to die and that affected me deeply.
I went from being a healthy 42 year old woman to being unable to sit straight up because just sitting took too much energy from my body at times. For weeks I experienced what I call “Corona Brain” where I literally could not even write a simple grocery shopping list. For the first 13 weeks I had constant diarrhoea. I bled nosebleeds for weeks. The list of symptoms goes on and on. This experience is teaching me a lot about life and living and for that I am actually quite grateful (how strange it might sound). I have compiled my stories throughout the weeks in what I call my “Corona Chronicles”. If you are interested to read more on how I cope, you can find it at www.livingmytruth.se/corona-chronicles
I hope that you who is reading this do not have to go through what I went through. I want to do whatever I can in order to raise awareness for the long-term effects of covid-19, which is why I hereby submit my story to you.